Install KUAL

Install KUAL, other Apps and OkMonitor on Kindle

Install KUAL

Only after Kindle completed JailBreak. Install the four key supporting apps. Start by connecting the kindle as USB storage. Then install the following:-

  1. KUAL - Kindle Unified Application Launcher
  2. MR Package Installer
  3. kindle-usbnet
  4. Coward's Rescue Pack
  5. OkMonitor KUAL Extension

With a bit of configuration post install.


Visit NiLuJe's Mobile Read Snapshot Storage Download kual.tar.gz Extract KUAL-KDK-2.0.azw2 and place in kindle/documents. Note documents directory

MR Package Installer

Visit NiLuJe's Mobile Read Snapshot Storage kual-mrinstaller Extract all files and place in kindle/ (Extract with full path)

USBNetwork Hack

Visit NiLuJe's Mobile Read Snapshot Storage USBNetwork Hack

Extract and place The correct .bin in kindle/mrpackages/ (Make sure this is not a subfolder of mrpackages)

Coward's Rescue Pack

Visit NiLuJe's Mobile Read Snapshot Storage Coward's Rescue Pack

Extract and place The correct .bin in kindle/mrpackages/ (Make sure this is not a subfolder of mrpackages)

OkMonitor KUAL Extension

Visit OkMonitor Download OkMonitor KUAL Extension - latest version

Extract and place in kindle/extensions (Extract with full path) .Kindle/extensions/OkMonitor/

Run Helper to Install .bin

The .bin files within mrpackages/ now need to be installed. First disconnect Kindle as USB storage. Then open the 'Book' Kindle Launcher. Then select 'Helper'

Helper runs

Helper will then install the .bin

Helper runs (2)

All .bin file will be installed. The front-end will restart when extensions installed.

Configure USBNetwork

Go to Kindle Launcher -> USBNetwork -> Allow SSH over WiFi.
Then USBNetwork -> Restrict SSH to WiFi, stay in USBMS
Then USBNetwork -> Toggle USBNetwork
Then USBNetwork -> ** USBNetwork Status ** should show SSHD is up (usbms, wifi only)
Then USBNetwork ->Enable SSH at boot


Missing form the KUAL extensions, is Coward's Rescue Pack, This is only activated when kindle reboots when connected to power. More detail on this page.

The OkMonitor Extension will be configured later. Next step is Install OkMonitor SD card for Pi 4